Currently Craving: Quinn Popcorn

popcorn, national popcorn day, healthy snacks, healthy snacking

As today is National Popcorn Day, I want to highlight one of my favorite brands: Quinn Popcorn.  Started by Quinn’s mom and dad in an effort to clean up their son’s snacks, they created this deliciously genius “farm-to-bag” company.  With a variety of both microwave popcorn and pre-popped, Quinn uses simple, real ingredients to make this long-standing staple clean and fun.  From the design of their pure-pop bag (that has no chemical coating or plastic) to the actual kernels inside (non-GMO corn!!), they have thought of everything and I am a big fan.

And now a few facts about why I’m a big fan of popcorn in general:

  1. Fiber! Popcorn is packed with it.  Fiber is one of those must-have nutrients to help you stay slim and healthy, by keeping you feeling full and your digestive system working efficiently.
  2. It’s a whole grain, which can help lower the risk of chronic illnesses (such as, diabetes, heart disease, stroke) and can help you control and manage a healthy weight.
  3. A little bit goes a long way, making it nutrient dense. Meaning for one serving of popcorn (3 cups), you’re getting good nutrition without empty calories or sugar.

My favorite Quinn flavor is their Parmesan & Rosemary, but all of their flavors are great and change seasonally.  They are sold at whole foods and various health food markets around the city, you can check out their site to find the vendor nearest you or purchase directly from them.


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